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Glutax 2800000GP

Glutax 2800000GP

Regular price $160.00USD
Regular price Sale price $160.00USD
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4 Sets in a Box

4 Ampoules 10ml
Skin Cellular Regene Complex I 9800mg
Multivitamin, Ferric Gluconate, Kola, Ginseng, Vinitrox, Vinoseed, Amino Acid Complex, Essential Enzymes, Riboavin, Thiamine,
Isonicotinate, Hypericin

4 Ampoules 5ml
Skin Cellular Regene Complex II 6300mg
B1 Complex
Vitamin A
Potassium Gluconate
Superoxide Dismutase
Organo-Therapeutic extracts of Liver
Organo-Therapeutic extracts of Umbilical Cord

4 Ampoules 2ml

Skin Cellular Regene Complex III 1530mg
Opotherapic Embryonic Extracts
Opotherapic Thymus Gland Extracts
Opotherapic Placental Tissue Extracts
Opotherapic Liver Extracts

4 Alpha Lipoic Acid
DualNA Bio 4-MSK 3600mg
DualNA Milk Thistle Extract 5500mg

4 Vial
DualNA Glutokines 280000g
(Micro RNA GSH + Energy Active Cytokines)
DualNA Alpha Lipoic Acid 2300mg
DualNA Epidermal Growth Factor 5000mg

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